Thursday, January 24, 2013

Stamp Act

Stamp Act

On March 1765 the Stamp Act was starting. It require colonist to pay taxes on almost all printed materials. For example newspaper,documents,books,contracts,land deeds. The colonists had to buy he newspaper every single day to know the news. That was part of the American Revolution beacuse it was the first time they gave a direct tax to the colonists. The british impose new taxes to the colonies because they needed to raise more money to pay depts, protection for the land after the french and indian war. The colonists didnt think it was correct for them to pay something they have received free for years.All this was started by George Grenville who was the prime minister. The stamp documents or papers mean that the tax was already payed.

The Stamp Act also helped covering the cost of the maintanence of the troops in the colonies. The American colonists also opposed the Stam Act because they were not capable of paying the tax, and because it violated the principle of NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Colonists did not have representation ig parliament.The colonists started to call themselves patriots beacuase they though they were equall too.In 1776 the Stamp Act was repeled.The actual cost of the Stamp Act was relatively small, the Stamp Act, however, was viewed as a direct attempt by England to raise money in the colonies without the approval of the colonial legislatures. Few colonists thought they couldnt do aything about it amd just pay.

The apparent purpose was to raise £60,000 yearly in the colonies in order to help support the cost of maintaining British troops there, a cost totaling £350,000 annually.In those times King George lll was the ruler of England, he said that the colonists deserved ti be taxed because the British protected them. King George reasoned that if money was being spent on the colonies,then the colonists needed to be paying for these services. The colonists never give up and they fighted for their rights and thats what we have to do. We need to fight for our rights in life.Here i will show you a picture of a stamp act.

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