Thursday, March 7, 2013

Valley Forge

In 1777 at outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, The Continental Army were facing a hungry and harsh winter. They had lack of food and supplies, they were about 10,000 soldiers without shoes and coats. In the other hand, General George Washington who was very concerned reported to Congress about the problem. If a big change didn't happen the army would dissolve, dispear, or starve. By December 23 1777,a big character joined the army to help, it was Colonel Baron Steuben. He tought the soldiers discipline and encourge them to be organize.

In June 1778 the British evacuated Philadelphia into New York City under the leading of Sir Henry Clinton, they fought the Monmouth battle. The Battle of Monmouth took place in Monmouth, New Jersey in June 28,1778. American general George Washington ordered Charles Lee, cimmanding the advance guard to attack the British rear. At the end both sides claimed they have won victory but the British claims seem more valid since Clinton was able to complete his march wihtout molestation.

Washington then marched to the Hudson River to join the Continental Army, while Clinton returned to New York. At the end the war was generally taken as a draw.There were 10,000 British Troops against 11,000 Americans. Afterwards General Charles Lee demanded and recieved trial by court for his performance on the battle. He was convicted and sentenced to 1 year suspension from duty. They categorise Lee as a traitor, he was known as "boiling water" by the Iroquois due to his temper.

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