Thursday, April 11, 2013

The British Invade the South

The British wanted support from the farmers, but they unused this support and continued with the conventional war. They wanted more supporters so they went to the south looking for more people to go on their side. During this times the British had many victories. In the late 1778's the British seized Savannah, Georgia. On this day the British Lieutenant Colonel Archibald and his force of 2500 and 3600 troops which included the New York Loyalists and Hessian Mercenaries launched a surprise attack to the American troops. The American troops commanded by Robert Howe went outnumbered, they only had between 600-900 men.

In Spring of 1780 the British captured Charleston, South Carolina. Americans suffered the worst defeat of the Revolution, with the surrender of Major Benjamin Lincoln to British leader Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton and his army of 10,000 at Charleston, South Carolina. With this victory the British captured 3000 patriots, and many munitions and equipment, losing only 250 wounded and killed british soldiers during the process.

In summer of 1780 the British captured Camden, South Carolina. The continentals led by General Horatio Gates chose to engage the British on August 16, 1780. He overestimated the number of soldiers against his troops, it was to late to withdraw when he realized his mistake. He was outnumbered by the numerous British troops, and he realized he had just made a big mistake and there were gonna be many killed people. Continental forces numbered around 4000 to General Charles Cornwallis some 2200 Redcoats. After the disastrous loss at Camden, Gates was removed from command and replaced by Nathanael Greene.

With the help of the Spanish Forces commanded by Bernardo de Galvez, he attacked several forts in the Gulf of Mexico. During 1780 he captured a British fort in Mobil, Alabama. Then in 1781 he captured Pensacola, Florida. It became a war between Patriots and Loyalists. It was a total devastation, both sides were stealing and killing each other.

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